More Tricks for Getting Your Company’s .com Domain Name

If you want your business to make more sales, get more customers, get more leads, and to build brand awareness, you need not only the perfect company name but also the perfect online domain name. As more and more people start their own businesses, it is getting harder to find the perfect available .com domain. Using a .com for your online business is still important. The other domain extensions such as .biz and .us are still considered second-class. Consumers will almost always choose the business with a .com over any others if given a choice. There are millions of choices online and you do not want your business ignored.

Name modifiers are a great trick to get an available .com domain name for your business. If you haven’t already read our previous article about domain name modifiers, you can find it here. If you are looking for the perfect available .com name for your business, it is a wonderful place to start. If you need more inspiration, we have plenty of great ideas and even more modifiers right here.

A modifier is a word to your company name if your company name is not available as a .com domain name. If your business name is Acme Inc., and isn’t available, try the domains or by adding a modifier such as “get” or “my” to your company name. Those .com domains are more likely to be available.

Domains that are long or complex will be harder for customers to remember or type correctly. If is not an available domain name, it is better to have than The domains or are great if your company name is long and you want an easy domain dedicated for email addresses. You could purchase and use both, and, but the latter is used for email addresses only. Similarly, you could add web or domain to your company name to get an available .com for your web site –, or

Another great idea if your business is helping people with buying and selling, are the modifiers “buy with” and “sell with” – and These modifiers work great for real estate agents as well as for companies that help people or businesses sell or buy products online.

Perhaps finding the perfect combination of different company and domain names is what will translate into success for your business. Sometimes the best choice is where the company name does not match the domain name. We previously gave examples of banks that use specialized names like because their decades old brand names are too long or complicated for a great domain name. Your domain focuses on the product that your company is known for and not your company name, like toys. Instead of Acme Toy Company – your domain could be

These are some more example modifiers –

  • sell with –
  • buy with –
  • save with –
  • save more with –
  • domain –
  • we are –
  • go with –
  • mail or email – or
  • domain –
  • web –
  • shop –
  • shop at –
  • shop for – (use your main product for the domain name)
  • product name – (add your main product to the domain name)

Naming a business has always been hard. It is your brand. It is your identity. It is your company’s most valued asset. The need for a domain for web sites and email has made it even harder to find the perfect name. A word modifier for your domain name might be the perfect solution to get the available domain name your company needs to succeed.

If you are looking for even more word modifiers to get your perfect .com domain name visit the next article in this series here. When you are ready to register your domain name, visit, to purchase the right name for your business and brand. is an accredited registrar. In the spirit of full disclosure, we get paid a referral commission when you register a domain through the links on our site. It doesn't cost you anything extra.

If all this information about domain names seems complicated, do not worry, we can help. Email us at to ask about our services to get your business online quickly and successfully. 

Read the Wikipedia page, if you want to learn more about the Acme Corporation and how its name has been used for both real and fictional companies.

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