Have Cybersquatters Created a Web Site for Your Business?

If your small business doesn’t have an online presence, you might be surprised that people are still visiting a web site for your company. This story is another example of why you need to purchase a domain name for your business today, if you don't have one already.

In 2019, it was revealed that Grubhub, the food delivery company, which also owns Seamless and Menupages, had registered 34,000 domains and created duplicate sites for thousands of restaurants. Apparently this was done without the knowledge of the restaurants participating in their delivery service platform. Some of these restaurants already had web sites while others didn’t. For the ones that had web sites, Grubhub purchased look-alike domains and created copycat websites. They even went so far as taking the logos from restaurants' own web sites and reusing them on the Grubhub copycat site. For the restaurants that didn’t have any online presence, Grubhub purchased domains and created entire web sites. These look-alike web sites even included phone numbers controlled by Grubhub.

The point of these copycat web sites was to funnel online delivery orders through Grubhub so they could charge the participating restaurants a higher commission and marketing fees. If a customer called a phone number controlled by Grubhub or visited one of these copycat web sites, the restaurant paid the delivery service a higher 30% commission on the order.

One could say that Grubhub was doing these restaurants a favor. They were creating additional online traffic for the ones that already had a web site or creating a web site for the restaurants that did not. Although sometimes, these copycat Grubhub sites were in direct competition with the restaurants. Some of these restaurants had their own online ordering and delivery services featured on their web page. If Grubhub was able to direct customers away from the restaurants’ actual web sites, the online service giant would make a commission on the orders where they wouldn’t otherwise.

These cybersquatting copycats don’t just affect restaurants. One our customers, in the consulting industry, recently had a competitor create a copycat web site to lure away potential customers. They had to take legal action to gain control of the copycat domain. Fortunately, they had a trademark on their company name for this very reason.

When Grubhub’s cybersquatting actions were revealed in 2019, they denied doing anything without the restaurants’ permission but shortly thereafter stopped. You can read the original story here. The restaurant owners interviewed in the article stated they had no idea Grubhub was creating these web sites.

These are 4 things you can do to secure your company's online image and presence.

  1. Register a domain name. This is easy to do but if this is your first time, you might want to engage a professional to help. The hardest part is finding a great domain name that is available for your business.
  2. Set up a web site. This isn’t easy to do if you’re inexperienced. You’ll probably need to engage professionals.
  3. Trademark your business’ name. Having your name trademarked will help you fight any copycats through the legal system if it ever comes to that. You can do this yourself with online services like LegalZoom but you might want to speak with an attorney as well.
  4. Make sure your customers know that you have a domain and web site. Add it to everything customers see – menus, flyers, coupons, emails, newsletters, advertisements, social media posts, etc. The more your customers know and visit your actual site, the less you’ll feel the need to purchase similar domains to ward off copycats and competitors.

If you think your business doesn’t need an Internet presence because it is too small, you’re wrong. Every business, regardless of size, needs a web site and a domain name. Even if the web site is nothing more than a simple online business card with directions and business hours. A profile on Facebook or Instagram is not a substitute for a web site. Almost every potential customer will seek out your company’s web site before doing any business with your company.

If all this information about domain names and web sites seems complicated, do not worry, we can help. Email us at hello@oviedonetworks.com to ask about our services to get your business online quickly and successfully. Wolfie wants you to own your domain.

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